Monday, September 12, 2011

Review of First Critique

Last Friday, we had our first critique during Thesis class. Before discussing about the critique, I want to say that I was a bit intimidated by thesis class. Having to show something in a gallery that can be viewed by everyone and not just by people from your class. There's a definite pressure that I want to show my best potential to the public. Going into this critique, I was nervous because I really did not know what to expect from this critique. I was nervous about showing the works that I've done and I was also nervous about not having a clear idea of what I want to do for thesis yet.

Overall, I think the critique went quite successful for our group. I was definitely impressed by the works of my peers. I really appreciate the diversity we had in our critique, diversity in terms of the people, the style of the works, the medium of the works and the content of the works. It was really interesting to see the different works and the artists explaining their work and their process in making their words. During this first critique, I feel that I got a little sense of what kinds of artists are in my group and I am excited to see what we will each come up with for our thesis project. I felt that my critique went successful in that I got some positive feedback on my works, especially the books that I made. People enjoyed the humor that went into that concept and from the feedback, I felt that I executed what I wanted my idea to be. People also enjoyed the identity work that I did where I designed a new identity to 'Animal Planet'. From this critique, I realized that I have an interest in identity design and also design that contains subtle humorous qualities to it. From that I have researched online for stuff that are related to my interest, and I have come with two artists that I feel really passionate about right now. They are Christoph Niemann and Glenn Jones, both of them are graphic designers but also illustrators. They are relatable in that they take pop culture or regular daily events and make a new concept out of that idea. I think that their concepts are exceptionally clever and for every work, I always ask myself, "Now why did I not think of that?"

1 comment:

  1. This is great! I felt the same way about the critique! I thought everyone was really focused and gave good feedback to each other!

    I like your ideas of using humor more in your work. I would suggest you take a look at this Art 21 episode about humor, it may give you some more ideas about how artist use humor in their work.
